Expressive Therapies Australia

Certificate Courses

Certificate in Expressive Therapies with Children & Adolescents

Somatic Focussed, Creative Counselling for Emotional Integration

This highly experiential course offers training in creative arts-based, emotionally expressive methods and Inner-Life Skills that promote emotional integration, self-awareness and resilience in children and adolescents.

The activities in the course are used with children from 6 to 19 years. Research and supervision reports indicate that ET provides substantial long-term benefits such as an increase in resilience, self-motivation, increased attention span, less aggressive behaviour and a stronger sense of self.

Modalities include

Emotional Literacy, Emotion-Focused & Integration Processes, Symbol Work, Visual Art, Music, Therapeutic Writing, Body Focus, Visualisation, Somatic Self-Expression, Role Play and Mindfulness.

This style of Expressive Therapies integrates many person-centred, psychodynamic, attachment, emotion and somatic-focused activities, and is based on the framework and methods of Jungian, Gestalt, Emotion-focused and Transpersonal Therapy, as well as the long history of creative arts therapies.

ET is an activity-based, invitational, self-discovery approach, encouraging insights and change from within the client. The methods and attitudes are client-centred; recognition and value are given to the significance of the client's personal interpretations and meanings.

Workshop Topics

Workshop One
Supporting Emotional Expression: Art, Music and Movement

Workshop Two
Exploring Family Issues: Processing Strong Emotions

Workshop Three
Symbol Work, Group Work and Transforming Trauma

Workshop Four
Balancing Emotional, Cognitive and Somatic Processes

Workshop Five
Inner-Life Skills for Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of emotional resolution in counselling
  • Describe basic theory of emotion-focused processes
  • Utilise a range of appropriate expressive counselling techniques
  • Demonstrate a client-focused approach to using ET
  • Assess the suitability of ET strategies for individuals
  • Understand and demonstrate how to plan an ET counselling session

Course Requirements

  • Completion of two short written assignments
  • Attendance at all training days

It is a principle of Expressive Therapies that therapists personally experience the activities they will use with clients so as to be able to present them safely and confidently. Be prepared for a rich time of professional and personal development

ET is an activity-based, invitational, self-discovery approach, encouraging insights and change from within the client. The methods and attitudes are client-centred; recognition and value are given to the significance of the client's personal interpretations and meanings. The activities have been developed from an expanded understanding of therapeutic approaches, with a rapidly evolving research base.


This course is approved by the Australian Counselling Association and the Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia for professional development points.



Redcliffe, QLD
$895 per workshop

Trainer: Mark Pearson
15 days [105 hours]

5 x 3 Day Workshops over 5 months

Workshops must be completed in order

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Course materials will be provided once registration is complete


North Burnett / Bundaberg, QLD
$895 per workshop

Trainer: Mark Pearson
Assistant Trainer:
Yvette Carter
15 days [100 hours]

5 x 3 Day Workshops over 5 months

Workshops must be completed in order

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Course materials will be provided once registration is complete



NOVEMBER 2024 - JUNE 2025
SG$1,365 per workshop

Trainer: Paula Huggins
15 days [105 hours]

5 x 3 Day Workshops over 7 months

Workshops must be completed in order

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Contact Gentle Art Blog to register

Course Feedback

"The course was extremely helpful - it has been for me the most fulfilling training I have done"

Cobi van der Es, Gympie Women's Health Service, Gympie

"The course has been life-changing - both professionally and personally. A highlight of the course was discovering creative and innovative ways of working. I am more tuned in to my intuitiveness, and holding the space, without having to intervene - words are not always necessary!"

Sue Boggan, Family Counsellor, Victoria

"The course was truly life changing for me, both personally and professionally. I have a greater understanding of emotions, identity, the Self and how deep healing can occur within ourselves and children"

Jodie Cicaji, Psychologist, Melbourne

"My confidence has grown. I am happy now to try new activities and to make changes to suit the needs of children. ET is infectious, and I want to know so much more. This feels the right thing to be doing. It marries with Art Therapy well"

Liz Kinnane, Art Therapist & Counsellor, Melbourne

"A highlight was the various activities which are extremely creative and therapeutic in nature and very apt for children and youths. Highly valuable for professional - and very much in personal - development"

Nooraini Mohamed Razak, Counsellor, Singapore

"The course very much emphasised self-experiencing. It provides sufficient practices that actually prepares participants to apply in real cases with much confidence. I truly enjoyed the course, the things we did and the interpersonal warmth of the trainers"

Chia Wee Pheng, Singapore